Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Culmination of The Friends Room's Community and Neighborhood Unit

The Friends Room defined a community as:
-“A group of people who work together to help each other”
-“People who work and play together”
-“When you be nice and play nicely together”

After exploring Merricat’s and the roles of the members of our school’s community, we explored who is in our community and what their roles are. After discussing our individual roles within our classroom community, the children began making labels for the toys and tools in The Friends Room so they can take responsibility for caring for their toys and maintaining their classroom.  

We began exploring our neighborhood. We made a neighborhood mural, a miniature city and made paintings of our apartment buildings. We went on neighborhood walks and the children brainstormed what they thought we might find. Here are their words:
-“Little and big houses”
-“Grocery stores”
-“Trucks and tow-trucks”

Now that we have explored our neighborhood, we will begin thinking about other cultures and communities, and discussing what makes each distinct.

The following songs, books and activities have been spread out amongst the AM and PM sessions.

During meeting time The Friends Room:
-Discussed who is in our community and what their roles are
-Went on a scavenger hunt around the Friends Room and Merricat’s to interact with the members in our community
-Shared our vacation stories  
-Welcomed Krystin into our Friends Room community
-Had a visit from Art Farm and saw a turtle, lizard, toad and guinea pig

During activity time The Friends Room:
-Made Valentine's for our families and cookies for snack
-Transformed our dollhouse in to Merricat’s Castle
-Worked with clay
-Made our own paper
-Is practicing writing our names and labeling toys and tools in our classroom  
-Made paintings and took photos on our walks for our neighborhood mural
-Made pizza with a real chef (Chelsea's dad!)
-Wrote our names on our new snack cards
-Made Knuffle Bunnies
-Wrote and illustrated our vacation stories
-Made Prachi a goodbye book, and celebrated her time in our classroom with a "Prachi party"

The Friends Room is Singing:
You’ve Got A Friend in Me
5 Little Puppies
If You’re Happy and You Know It
Grandpa’s Farm
Around and Around is the Name of the Game
Our Subway Song
I've Been Working on The Railroad
The More We Get Together
Hot Potato
Taxi, Taxi Song
This School Was Made for You and Me
The Other Day I Met A Bear

The Friends Room is reading:
Valentine’s Day by Eve Bunting
Alexander and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst
A Walk In New York by Salvatore Rubbino
Are You My Mother? by Philip D. Eastman
The Lonely Moose by John Segal
3 Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig by Eugene Trivizas
Chicken Little by Steven Kellogg
Flora’s Very Windy Day by Jeanne Birdsall
Fancy Nancy; Bonjour Butterfly  by Jane O’Connor
Rainbow Fish and The Sea Monsters Cave by Marcus Pfister Herbert
Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems


This School Was Made For You And Me: (to the tune of This Land Is Your Land)
This school is your school,
This school is my school,
From the East Side, 
to the West Side,
Children come and play together. 
This school was made for you and me. 

You've Got A Friend in Me:
You've got a friend in me,
You've got a friend in me,
when the road gets rough ahead,
and you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed.
Just remember what your old pal said cause,
you've got a friend in me. 

Taxi, Taxi. Riding in the Backseat:
Taxi, Taxi. Riding in the backseat.
Role the window up.
Role the window down.
Put the money in the slot, 
See you later, thanks a lot! 
Sure beats walking cross town!

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