Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Spring in The Friends Room

After our neighborhood unit, The Friends Room explored some of the cultures within our community. We spoke about other cultures and communities, and discussed what makes each distinct. We studied England, Japan and Australia and utilized the airplane we made in our imaginative play center.

We are enjoying Spring and have begun rehearsing our end of year play, The Little Red Hen.

The following songs, books and activities have been spread out amongst the AM and PM sessions.

During meeting time The Friends Room:
-Shared our vacation stories
-Began using our globe and maps
-Talked about England, Japan and Australia
-Learned Japanese words and phrases
-Made flags from the countries we spoke about
-Welcomed Bridget into our Friends Room community
-Is discussing spring
-Is observing our caterpillars
-Had a visit from Art Farm 
-Rehearsing our end of year play, The Little Red Hen 

During activity time The Friends Room:
-Made an airplane for imaginative play during our cultural study
-Made our Spring Break vacation book
-Made biscuits, candy sushi and tasted Australian lamingtons
-Made spring landscape watercolor paintings
-Is working on projects for the upcoming auction including a platter, a set of chairs, placemats and a Friends Room bag
-Is observing our caterpillars with magnifying glasses and making observational drawings
-Decorating pots and planting Marigolds for spring
-Is enjoying Spring by painting outdoors, having picnics at snack and outdoor read-alouds 
-Making goodbye gifts for Catherine
-Playing with peg boards
-Planting in our dirt table
-Creating the set for our play 

The Friends Room is Singing:
3 Little Birds
Little Bunny Foo Foo
The Baby Song
Lots of Little Pigs
Bottle Caps
The Flower Song
Little Red Hen (by Stuart Stotts and Tom Pease)

The Friends Room is reading:
When Blue Met Egg by Lindsay Ward
Michael Recycle by Ellie Bethel
Forever Friends by Carin Berger
And Then It’s Spring by Julie Fogliano  
If You’re Hoppy by April Pulley Sayre  
Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace
Once There Was A Seed by Judith Anderson and Mike Gordon
Splish, Splash, Spring by Jan Carr
Fancy Nancy and The Boy From Paris by Jane O’Connor
Tea For Ruby by Sarah Ferguson   
How Rocket Learned to Read by Tad Hills   
Make Way For Ducklings by Robert McCloskey  
A Visitor For Bear by Bonny Becker
Jack and The Beanstalk retold by Steven Kellog
The Little Red Hen by by Paul Galdone  
Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes By Eric Litwin
The Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown


The Flower Song
First you take the seed and you plant it in the ground,
Next a raincloud comes and waters all around.
Next the sun shines brightly without a sound,
And in just a few days, a flower is found!

Bottle Caps
I love to walk outside
I look down on the ground
What do you think I'll find?
What do you think I've found
A beautiful bottle cap
Purple orange silver gold and green
I'll take it home with me.

Collecting bottle caps bottle caps
Bottle caps bottle caps every one I see
Collecting bottle caps bottle caps
Bottle caps bottle caps every one I see

I love to pick up shells
I find them by the sea
I love to pick up shells
Some for you and some for me
I love to pick up shells
I'l bring them home with me
And put my shells on the shelf and keep

Collecting bottle caps...

I love to pick up rocks
Big and small ones too
I love to pick up rocks
Some for me and some for you
I love to pick up rocks
I'll take them home with me
And put my rocks in a box
And my shells on the shelf and keep

Collecting bottle caps...

I like to pick up string
I find it one two three
I like to pick up string
Some for you and some for me
I like to pick up string I'll take it home with me
And put my string in something
And my rocks in a box
And my shells on the shelf and keep

Collecting bottle caps...

I've got some new ones old ones
Blue ones gold ones every one I see
I've got some red ones brown ones
Flat ones round ones every one I see

Collecting bottle caps bottle caps
Bottle caps bottle caps every one I see

Lots of Little Pigs

Once upon a time there were lots of little pigs
And some of them thought they'd
Build themselves a straw house
So they built it they built it big and strong
So the wolves wouldn't get them
(And they shut the door-kachung)

On the next day some more little pigs
Decided to build themselves a stick house
So they built it they built it big and strong
So the wolves wouldn't get them
(And they shut the door-kachung)

On the last day the rest of the little pigs
Decided to build themselves a brick house
So they built it they built it big and strong
So the wolves wouldn't get them
(And they shut their big brick door-kachung)

In the meantime, the wolves were sleeping in the forest

Then the wolves woke up
And they stretched a big stretch
And they sniffed a big sniff
And they said, "I smell pigs!"

So the wolves marched on over to the straw house
And they knock knock knocked on the door
And they said,
"Little pigs little pigs, let us in"
And the pigs said,
"Not by the hair on our chinny-chin chins"
"Then we'll huff and we'll puff
And we'll blow your house in"
So they huffed and they puffed
And they blew that house in
And the pigs ran over to their friends
Over at the stick house

So the wolves marched on over to the stick house . . .

And the pigs ran over to their friends
Over at the brick house

So the wolves marched on over to the brick house . . .

. . . And they huffed and they puffed
but they couldn't blow that house in
So the wolves went around to the back of the house
And they climbed up the chimney
But the pigs heard them and put a pot of boiling water
Underneath the chimney
And the wolves landed in the water
And they burnt their bottoms
And they went running back to the woods
Where they cooled off in a lake
And they looked at each other and said
"We didn't want to eat those pigs anyway
Let's go back and have a party."
So they did


Lots of little fish were sleeping on a rock
In the bottom of the ocean
They lifted up their heads
And they shook out their tails
And they said let's go swimming

Let's go swimming let's go swimming
Yeah let's go swimming
Let's go swimming let's go swimming In the bottom of the ocean
Then the little fish got so very very tired
That they came back to the rock
And they put down their heads
And they put down their tails
And they took a little nap

And when they woke up
They decided to take a shower

So whey washed their hair
And they washed their ears
And they washed their tummies
And they washed their beards
And they washed their nose
And they washed their toes
And then they said

"Wait a minute, we're fish!
We don't take showers!"

Let's go swimming let's go swimming…
Then the little fish got so very very tired…

And when woke up
They decided to brush their teeth

So they got out their tooth brush
And their toothpaste
And they squeezed a little on
They tried not to waste
And they put it in their mouth
They brushed north and south
And then they said,

"Wait a minute, we're fish!
We don't brush our teeth!"

Let's go swimming lets go swimming…
Then the little shigh got so very very tired…

And when they woke up
They decided to ride their bicycles

So they rode to the left
And they rode to the right
And they rode all day
And they rode all night
They rode down the hill
And then faster still
And then they said,

"Wait a minute, we're fish!
We don't ride bicycles!"

Let's go swimming…
Let's go swimming…

Our Friends Room airplane

                         Making candy sushi

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Culmination of The Friends Room's Community and Neighborhood Unit

The Friends Room defined a community as:
-“A group of people who work together to help each other”
-“People who work and play together”
-“When you be nice and play nicely together”

After exploring Merricat’s and the roles of the members of our school’s community, we explored who is in our community and what their roles are. After discussing our individual roles within our classroom community, the children began making labels for the toys and tools in The Friends Room so they can take responsibility for caring for their toys and maintaining their classroom.  

We began exploring our neighborhood. We made a neighborhood mural, a miniature city and made paintings of our apartment buildings. We went on neighborhood walks and the children brainstormed what they thought we might find. Here are their words:
-“Little and big houses”
-“Grocery stores”
-“Trucks and tow-trucks”

Now that we have explored our neighborhood, we will begin thinking about other cultures and communities, and discussing what makes each distinct.

The following songs, books and activities have been spread out amongst the AM and PM sessions.

During meeting time The Friends Room:
-Discussed who is in our community and what their roles are
-Went on a scavenger hunt around the Friends Room and Merricat’s to interact with the members in our community
-Shared our vacation stories  
-Welcomed Krystin into our Friends Room community
-Had a visit from Art Farm and saw a turtle, lizard, toad and guinea pig

During activity time The Friends Room:
-Made Valentine's for our families and cookies for snack
-Transformed our dollhouse in to Merricat’s Castle
-Worked with clay
-Made our own paper
-Is practicing writing our names and labeling toys and tools in our classroom  
-Made paintings and took photos on our walks for our neighborhood mural
-Made pizza with a real chef (Chelsea's dad!)
-Wrote our names on our new snack cards
-Made Knuffle Bunnies
-Wrote and illustrated our vacation stories
-Made Prachi a goodbye book, and celebrated her time in our classroom with a "Prachi party"

The Friends Room is Singing:
You’ve Got A Friend in Me
5 Little Puppies
If You’re Happy and You Know It
Grandpa’s Farm
Around and Around is the Name of the Game
Our Subway Song
I've Been Working on The Railroad
The More We Get Together
Hot Potato
Taxi, Taxi Song
This School Was Made for You and Me
The Other Day I Met A Bear

The Friends Room is reading:
Valentine’s Day by Eve Bunting
Alexander and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst
A Walk In New York by Salvatore Rubbino
Are You My Mother? by Philip D. Eastman
The Lonely Moose by John Segal
3 Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig by Eugene Trivizas
Chicken Little by Steven Kellogg
Flora’s Very Windy Day by Jeanne Birdsall
Fancy Nancy; Bonjour Butterfly  by Jane O’Connor
Rainbow Fish and The Sea Monsters Cave by Marcus Pfister Herbert
Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems


This School Was Made For You And Me: (to the tune of This Land Is Your Land)
This school is your school,
This school is my school,
From the East Side, 
to the West Side,
Children come and play together. 
This school was made for you and me. 

You've Got A Friend in Me:
You've got a friend in me,
You've got a friend in me,
when the road gets rough ahead,
and you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed.
Just remember what your old pal said cause,
you've got a friend in me. 

Taxi, Taxi. Riding in the Backseat:
Taxi, Taxi. Riding in the backseat.
Role the window up.
Role the window down.
Put the money in the slot, 
See you later, thanks a lot! 
Sure beats walking cross town!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jobs and Community Unit Continued...

Jobs and our Merricat’s Community

As we continue our jobs unit in The Friends Room we have discussed different types of jobs and the children began to think about what they want to be when they grow up.

Parents visited to discuss their jobs, which included, a fashion designer, a movie publicist, fitness instructor, mommy, dancer, opera singer, school psychologist, photographer, computer programmer and fundraiser. We greatly appreciate the parent involvement that went in to this unit!

As we continued to discuss jobs the children began to think about some of the jobs they know. Here are their words:
-“A policeman makes sure people are okay. He goes in a police car.”

-“A veterinarian is a pet doctor that takes care of pets.”

-“An astronaut goes to space in a rocket ship. He goes to the moon!”

-"A garbage man puts garbage in to the garbage truck when he sees garbage ahead!"

-"A businessperson works in the office to get money to put in his pocket to take it back home and pay. Maybe for his kids."

-"A performer stands on the stage and dances. A clown can perform on a stage too."

-"A firefighter puts out fires. He works in a fire station. When the alarm rings he knows there's a fire."

-"A letter carrier brings mail in the lobby to people's homes. He works at the post office." 

-"A conductor drives trains to different stations."

-"A hairdresser styles hair. But I go to the barber shop."

-"A farmer gardens and plants his carrots. He feeds his animals. He has pigs."

As we continue our jobs and community unit we are looking closely at our Merricat’s Community. After which, we will begin exploring the area surrounding Merricat's and jobs within our neighborhood.

The following songs, books and activities have been spread out amongst the AM and PM sessions.

During meeting time The Friends Room:
-Discussed Chinese New Year
-Interviewed parents about their jobs
-Is working together as a community, using our critical thinking skills and working together to solve problems
-Is playing hot potato and “Doggy, Doggy where’s your bone?”
-Had a special visit from Art Farm where we were able to pet a chinchilla, dove, tortoise, and frog

During activity time The Friends Room is:
-Playing with insta-snow
-Building a firetruck to transform our pretend center in to a fire station
-Making winter mittens and hats
-Playing animal and shapes dominoes
-Painting with watercolors to music
-Making lanterns and egg drop soup for Chinese New Year
-Creating a dragon for our Chinese New Year Parade
-Completing community themed puzzles
-Painting with Valentine’s Day colors  
-Playing an I-Spy memory game
-Building with various manipulatives that hone fine motor skills
-Making crafts to practice our cutting skills
-Playing number and letter recognition board games

The Friends Room is Singing:
Our Friends Room Favorites 
I’ve Got the Whole World in My Hands
Did You Ever See a Lassie?
5 Little Puppies  

The Friends Room is reading:
When I Grow Up by Arthur Yorkins
Chinese New Year by
Jack and The Beanstalk by Mary Engelbreit
Puss in Boots by Mary Engelbreit
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Mary Engelbreit
The 3 Questions by Jon J. Muth
Tale of the Tricky Fox by Jim Aylesworth  
Hey, Al! by Arthur Yorinks
Fireman Small by Wong Herbert Yee


Did You Ever See A Lassie?
Did you ever see a lassie
A lassie, a lassie
Did you ever see a lassie
Go this way and that?
Go this way and that way
Go this way and that way
Did you ever see a lassie
Go this way and that?

Did you ever see a laddie
A laddie, a laddie
Did you ever see a laddie
Go this way and that?
Go this way and that way
Go this way and that way
Did you ever see a laddie
Go this way and that?

5 Little Puppies

5 little puppies sitting in a row,
Tell me please, what do you know?
The first one said, "I know my name."
The second one said, "I know a game."
The third one said, "I know a song."
The fourth one said, "I know right from wrong."
The fifth one said, "I'll tell you what is true, what I know, is I love you!" 


                                                        Portraits of Friends 

                                       "When I grow up I want to be..." 

                                                                     Art Farm 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Jobs and Community Unit in The Friends Room

 To culminate our friendship unit we had “open mic” performances where each child was able to sing, dance, tell a joke or a story. Before our performances we discussed what it means to give a compliment. After their performance each child was given a compliment to recognize their talents and demonstrate the importance of friendly behavior.

The Friends Room filled our “safe and friendly jar” and we had an ice cream party to celebrate!

We began our “jobs and community” unit with a DVD viewing of Catherine performing the role of Cinderella in Indiana University’s production of the ballet. As we continue to discuss jobs, we look forward to more parents visiting to discuss their careers!

The following songs, books and activities have been spread out amongst the AM and PM sessions.

During meeting time The Friends Room is:
-Talking about jobs
-Playing memory games
-Discussing winter

During activity time The Friends Room is:
-Drawing pictures of what we want to be when we grow up
-Working in pairs to draw portraits of friends
-Painting with friends
-Making watercolor paintings
-Playing dominoes
-Playing rhyming bingo
-Making sand art
-Playing with modeling sand, playdough and space mud
-Using peg pattern and color recognition boards
-Watching IU’s production of Cinderella performed by Catherine
-Playing Candyland
-Painting with ice
-Conducting science experiments with Prachi to explore ice and the water cycle

The Friends Room is Singing:
Shark attack
I Know A Chicken
The Baby Song 
Our favorite winter songs
The Friends Room is reading:
The Jacket I Wear In The Snow by John Grogan
The 3 Billy Goats Gruff by Paul Galdone
Snowman Storybook  by Raymond Briggs
The Feel Good Book by Tod Parr
The Rain Came Down by David Shannon
Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes  
Cinderella retold by Barbara Karlin
Franklin is Lost by Paulette Bourgeois